Monday, June 8, 2009


Eating: just had a Chopt cobb, EVOO and pepper - had two croissants for breakfast though
Drinking: water, making some oolong
Listening: nothing because I left my iPod at home
no warmup
seated row 90* 9 1.24
chest press 110* 9 1.26
pulldown 120* 10 1.14
overhead press 50* 8 56
leg press 15 did not time, did not go to failure
5 minute steam, cold rinse, 3 minute hot shower, 3 minute cold shoer
So, slight improvement on the first three, sort of.  I did this in the morning instead of after lunch, which I prefer.  I can't decide if I should be worried about the lack of improvement or just be glad that I am going to failure ... in fact, I have gone from one position to the other at least three times since the actual workout.  The fact is that I feel pretty good, and pretty strong, and last week I was able to play an hour of soccer without dying.  I don't think my improvement is great, but I am chipping away, and I'm undeniably stronger than I was a month ago.  Maybe I should change my up rule to 15 reps and two minutes - I guess I can cross that bridge when I get over 12/90 on the current weights. 

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