Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Eating: had an apple
Drinking: making some dongding
Listening: Neu!
warmup easy 3 minute row
sitting row 90* 7 1.10
chest press 110* 8 1.30
pulldown 120* 8 1.30
overhead press 50* 8 1.10
leg press 200* 15 1.30
5 minute steam, 3 minute hot shower, 2 minute cold shower.
The times are kind of approximate.  I set my watch's timer for 1.35 and notice when I dropped. 
Not a great performance.  A couple factors may account for (but not excuse) this.  For one thing, an exhausting soccer game yesterday.  I dropped the leg press weight to account for that, which I think was a good idea, but it may be that I was just a little off metabolically.  Also, I drank a ton this weekend.  Getting kind of tired of that, actually.  Another is that I didn't do a true BBS workout last week, so those numbers (the reps) are kind of inflated.  I had momentum on my side, which is not at all how it's supposed to work.  Slowed down is much, much harder. 
Another kind of odd thing is that I feel like I can "max out" at any point by stopping, and straining against the stopped weight.  Momentum again.  That's why the times are all the same, I think.  I start clockwatching around a minute and fail soon after. 
Recovery did not include a cold rinse because I felt weak, and the shower times were shorter because I am a very impatient person. 
So now I kind of have a dilemma.  What should I do next week?  I'm inclined to not drop weight, but to give myself less time to recover.  I typically start feeling like it's time to get the muscles moving again after about five days.  I think I'll do another BBS Monday, again taking it easy on my legs if my new shoes are here and if it looks like my bruised nail is going to be in shape for soccer on Tuesday. 

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