Monday, June 15, 2009

running (yesterday)

Ran 4.25 miles, hard surface, in the Five Fingers.  It took about 52 minutes.  Very slow and very much a slog.  I set a timer for 3 minutes and walked for a bit every time it went off.  I guess I would feel a little more optimistic about this experience if I had done five miles in 35 minutes, but the truth is I feel pretty good about it.  Runs like this are half of the equation, the other half being two sets of sprints per week (which for now will be Tabatas on grass or uneven surfaces). 
As for stride, I certainly had to keep focus on landing underneath my hips.  In general my stride seems short and limpy, possibly because I'm running at below the optimum pace (Metzgar: 7 minute miles).  My stride seems a lot better when I sprint.  Hoping the two poles will kind of converge into a fast, smooth distance pace.
Minor annoyances included a sore left shin and a hard cramp in my right calf, which I ran out.  It's still a little sore today. 

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