Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Run

Ran (according to my calculations) about 5.7 miles in the five fingers, running for 3 minutes at a time and walking until I felt like running again.  Total time 56 minutes.  I did the loop (3.28 miles) in 34 minutes, so with the stopping factored in that means that my pace was respectable.  Some people passed me, and I passed some people.  Biomechanically, I felt a little shaky (l shin splint, l calf pain) but not as bad as last time, and I was able to keep a relatively high cadence.  The wife saw me running through the window and said I looked "stiff" - not sure if that's bad, need to videotape. 

Right now my calves are fucking killing me and my left big toenail has blood under it - oh well.  Otherwise I feel pretty good about the whole exercise. 

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