Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Post-NYR Bounce

Eating: nothing, waiting for DL to get back to me about lunch
Drinking: lots of water
Listening: Gamelan of Central Java 9
I am going to go to Ben Ash with a book for lunch.  Just decided that.  It's kind of expensive but fuck it. 
Just did pullups 1-1-1-1-1, then 4 x (10 50# lunges, 10 50# bosu squats, 10 50# swings, 10 pushups).  I was supposed to do 5, but I was pretty wiped out, and it's NYE and I don't want to kill myself. 
Two observations.  One, the rush or buzz that comes from lifting weights, or at least the kind of Crossfitty activities that I think of as lifting weights, is a much more pleasurable feeling than the aftermath of a 45' hillclimb.  Two, after reading a chilling post on Modern Forager, I am concerned that I am not doing enough that is skiing / touring specific.  I have a month and a half left before my big trip and I don't feel that strong.  I need to step the fuck up. 
And, another observation.  I am still not eating right.  Not enough protein and not enough vegetables.  Not sure about Ben Ash, their soup is pretty shitty.  Maybe I'll get Korean instead.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WOD plus climb

Eating:  shrimp spring rolls from Il Duce
Drinking:  nothing
Listening:  Shinnai Shamisen
I did a seriously pussified version of the WOD - overhead press 60-70-80-90-100 (failed on the 100), one rep of each, push press 40-50-60-70-80, three reps of each.  No clue about jerking so I skipped the last third.  Then I did 45' with 4# weights.  I felt pretty desperate for the last 10 minutes. 
This workout was kind of a violation of resolution 3, in that the idea of doing 100 tuck squats on a bosu occured to me while I was climbing and I didn't do it.  I need to seize on that impulse more. 
Still listening to Pema Chodron.  It is wonderful but it's kind of annoying that I don't really seem to absorb anything. 


Eating: nothing
Drinking: coffee
Listening: a conference call
I'm back from the North and it's time for New Year's resolutions.  I have always sucked at this (making and keeping), but this blog is about (semi-)public commitment if nothing else.  Here goes, in no particular order.
1.  Spend less money.  Less impulse buying, less binge drinking, less aimless frittering.  No strategies here, although I note that ceding control over money to my wife is working so far, and that reading and listening to the stuff that I already have has cut back tremendously on my Amazon spending.  In fact, I feel like I have a pretty good handle on the buying impulse and the momentary good feeling rush that happens after I hit buy or when I see the box. 
2.  Meditate more (and be a better Buddhist).  Right now, it's ten minutes a night, unless I don't have space (which was my excuse chez mes parents) or in cases of extreme fatigue or drunkenness.  It's hard to see how I could extend that without pissing off my spouse, so maybe the answer is to add one ten-minute session during the day.  I have had some pretty good experiences meditating in the office.  As for "be a better Buddhist", for the present that means one thing: Talk, and think, less shit about other people.  It's a habit that reinforces separateness and leads in the wrong direction.  Listen to Pema Chodron and resist the temptation to criticize even when it's funny or gives rise to a sense of righteousness.  I guess that "continue the lifelong fight against distraction" would fall partly into this category and partly into #6.
3.  Exercise more and better.  Lunchtime is the answer, as far as I can tell.  Get co-workers to leave me alone and get to the gym.  I am running out of time before the Nelson trip and I need to make the most out of it.  Exercise better means, for now, more ski-specific and harder.  No more light workouts (although of course they are better than nothing). 
4.  Run a marathon.  This is pretty much the only specific resolution.  I want to run a marathon.  The NY marathon.  That means I need to run a lot and get plenty of other exercise.  I have been having mechanical problems with the feet / ankles and I think the solution, unfortunately, is more slow running and less sprinting.  For the time being, anyway. 
5.  Reach out.  Write thoughtful emails to good friends and take the time to see people and to listen to what they say.  Respond warmly to the stuff that people send me.  It's so easy to neglect a nice gesture. 
6.  Take care.  Focus on a piece of work while I'm doing it, and review it carefully before sending it out.  This applies to work work and to house work.  The impulse to put something down and look at something more interesting and, having done that, the impulse to then speed through the task and thereby do a shitty job both need to be identified and resisted. 
7.  Porn.  Obvious, but I feel pretty humiliated having to put this on the internet.  My last true bad habit.  No plans here, maybe just recognize when I am on the verge of giving in to it?

Monday, December 22, 2008


Eating: just had some chicken and vegetables from the caf
Drinking: water
Listening: Here Comes Sunshine
So, today was looking ambiguous in terms of busyness.  I had to write several harassing emails this morning, but then it looked like there was a window so I decided to go for it.  I got to the gym around 11 and hit the treadmill with the intention of going for 40 minutes.  After about a minute it occured to me to look for ankle weights.  Lo and behold, they have them!  So, I did a full 40 minutes, speeds between 2.6 and 2.9, heartrate on either side of 140, with 4 lbs on each foot!  It's really a lot like skinning, very slog-like. 
I was listening to Pema Chodron too.  I don't know how much of it I'll remember, though.  I meant to type out what she said, but I can only kind of remember the feel of it. 

snow run

On Saturday, I secured permission for a 30 minute run during one of the Little Monster's naps.  I hit the park (under about 1" of good heavy snow with about 1" of ice under that).  I stuck with the road until I got to the big downhill, where the temptation of the long staircase was too much.  I ran up that, then down through the trees and along a little logging road for a while.  It was just like being in Vermont, or Montreal.  I came out of the park on the Kensington side, ran up to 15th Street and went back in then out at 9th.  As I came up to the house, I noticed our neighbors loading bags off the stoop into their car.  Not wanting to be seen in public in the five fingers, I continued to 1st Street and then back and in.  Total time: 30 minutes on the nose.  Fun as hell. 
The five fingers are incredible in ice and snow.  In fact the only slight discomfort came from transitioning on and off the road, where the road salt slurry was.  That was wet enough to get in on the sides and highly uncomfortable, but not for long.  On the whole I took it easy and felt really good. 

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Last Night

Didn't get to the gym pretty much all week, but when I got home last night the Wife graciously let me have 20 minutes to better myself.  I did 4 x (4 minutes stepup w/ water-filled backpack, 10 pushups with my feet on a chair, 10 overhead lifts (from the floor) of the backpack).  Felt pretty nice.  I can go harder though. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mal a la Tete

Eating:  a granny smith
Drinking:  some TGY brewed "pro", ie approximately 3 gm for 5 minutes
Listening:  again, nothing; typing that prompted me to put on Ernst Reijseger
Yesterday I got to the gym between an afternoon meeting and an evening training.  I listened to a Pema Chodron audiobook (actually a taped lecture from Naropa) about the Bodhisattva Way while spending 30 minutes hillclimbing.  This is kind of a breakthrough.  I often set out with the intention of doing something for 30 minutes but then get horribly bored after 15 minutes and bail after 20.  The recording was interesting and encouraging enough that I was able to persevere.  It felt pretty good although there was some weakness in my right knee. 
After that I still had a little more time so I did overhead press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1.  50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 90, 100, 100.  My form on the 100 was not the best, but I was definitely getting full overhead extension.  Next time I should hold it up there for a full breath.
I went out for a drink with PW last night and had two pints.  I felt fine on the train ride home, had a good meditation and everything, and woke up with a terrible headache.  It  might have been general dehydration (probably didn't drink enough h2o after the gym and I had tea and coffee after that) but whatever it is I feel like shit and have no interest in drinking anything more anytime soon. 
I am listening to Gary Snyder's recording of Kaz Tanahashi's translation of Dogen on my morning commute.  I have to say I am not getting a hell of a lot out of it.  I may try to just get through all three or whatever hours of it, but on the other hand I may not.  The thought of having to listen to the Mountains and Rivers Sutra fills me with anxiety. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Brief Interlude

Eating: nuts and jerky
Drinking: Oriental Beauty
Listening: California Uber Alles on repeat
So.  This week is supposed to be the beginning of long (1 hr) cardio.  I need to get a book on tape.  The basic idea is cardio / CF / cardio / CF repeat.  I know, this is contra to the spirit of CF.  Too bad.  I am going to be climbing mountains in 2 months. 
Today I did 50 x box jump, 15 x pushups, 21 x deadlifts.  WOD from I think Friday.  Box jump was only about 8".  Should do more big stepups (can do those at home).  DL was 50# (easy).  Did not notice time. 

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sort Of Nasty Girls

Eating:  two apples
Drinking:  nothing
Listening:  rain on the window
I did a scaled-down version of the WOD (Nasty Girls).  3 x (50 40# squats, 5 pullups, 5 dips, 10 40# hang cleans).  It took me almost exactly 25'.  The squats were hard but I made it through without too much drama.  Weirdly they get easier to do, I just needed to take longer and longer breaks as I went on.  The pullups were hard as expected.  First 5 were one set, then I think 3, 2, then 1, 1, and 3 chinups, so kind of a cheat there, although I did lift my head past the bar under my own power.  The hang cleans were surprisingly challenging even at such a light weight, and presented a good chance to stretch out my twice-broken right wrist, which is obviously and significantly less flexible than my left. 
I then spent about 15 minutes in the sauna.  Longer than I had planned, and long enough to really feel it, and really feel the coolness of the air when I got out.  In sum: I feel incredibly good. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Low Morale

Eating: some pistachios and some dried raspberries courtesey of staying here until 4 the other night
Drinking:  water
Listening:  nothing, because I am too apathetic to stand up, walk over to the other side of my office, and get my iPod out of the Redweld that I keep my shoes in
Today was a Crossfit rest day.  Crossfit Endurance asked for a 60 minute time trial.  When I read that, I thought: I'll do half.  By the time I had spent the greater part of the day spacing out in my office, that no longer seemed like such a good idea.  So, I did 20 minutes.  Note this is still the longest distance I've run in at least a month.  I managed 2.31 miles.  The Running Times time / distance calculator tells me that is an 8:39 pace, which would get me through a marathon in 4:25.  That is pretty slow, which would be fine if I had felt it to be easy, but I didn't, I thought it was awful, and my face was purple by the time I finished.  Another issue is that my ankles again felt pretty tight.  It seems pretty clear that I should be running again, and at a slower pace.  I need to be careful about technique.
I have not felt that great lately.  Part of the problem obviously has to do with working too late and lack of sleep, but I feel lethargic in general. 

Monday, December 8, 2008

Woo Hoo

Eating: just had a salad - forgot the name - from Chopt
Drinking: some water
Listening: nothing
I did a modified version of yesterday's WOD that I think I am going to call the 5 6 7 8's.  20 minutes of 5 backups, 6 pulldowns (in this case at 130#), 7 pushups and 8 situps.  The gym was crowded and I was intentionally taking it easy, so I only got 8 done.  I also subbed 3 pullups for the 6 pulldowns twice.  Otherwise it felt good.  Afterwards I sat in the sauna for probably 8 minutes and then did the cold water on the face and feet routine. 
I was feeling Friday's squat extravaganza all weekend.  At some point yesterday I considered going for a run but opted not to because I was still having trouble descending stairs.  Which is good, I think.  I don't want workouts to feel easy. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Yesterday was Friday.  On Thursday night I had a cigarette.  On Friday I did the crossfit WOD, easier of course: 50 squats, 2 pulldowns, 40 squats, 4 pulldowns, 30 squats, 6 pulldowns, 20 squats, 8 pulldowns, 10 squats, 10 pulldowns.  Pulldowns were at 120# (should have been heavier) and squats were with a 40# bar.  Very hard.  Got it done.  Legs hurt today. 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

WOD, kind of

Eating:  a chocolate-raspberry Clif
Drinking:  matcha
Listening:  AR running his mouth
Got out of work at 3 last night.
Gym.  Warmed up with 15 pushups, 20 situps, 10 backups.  7 x 1 pullup.  Supposed to be alactic, not sure if it worked.  5 x (50# lunges, started with 6 and worked up to 10, 50# swings x 10).  Did a makeup set of 10 lunges.  This was with 2 25# dumbbells held at my sides, not overhead.  Felt wonderful.  Managed to remember to cool off with some cold water at the end of the shower. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Triumph of the Will

Eating:  just had some oily, but meat-heavy, Persian food
Drinking:  had some post-exercise matcha and now drinking water
Listening:  none other than Les Grands Gong Kebyar des Annees 60
Had a very successful trip to the gym.  We are busy now - RH is in the office again - so I had to kind of make my case for being able to leave and then ask nicely.  I warmed up with: 15 pushups (one set; I might be able to do 20, but just; all my sets of five may not be paying off as much as I would like); 20 situps (bench was sloped a bit; no great effort; should try with a weight); 10 back extensions (just going down to the point where I can feel my back begin to curve; my hamstrings are so fucking tight); 10 squats (I have terrible form, I can kind of feel myself twist as I come up); 3, 2 pullups (I am a pussy for not doing more); 5 dips (I am a pussy for not doing more).  Then I hit the tilted treadmill for 20' at 3.5 mph.  This is where the Triumph of the Will part comes in.  I did not enjoy this.  The music in the gym was loud enough that I could hear it over what I was listening to on the iPod.  3.5 is faster than I usually do.  I am stressed about work.  I was very distracted, thinking a lot about MS, which is a bizarre situation.  But, I stuck it out to the bitter end.  Then I did the Crossfit WOD (might be the WOD for yesterday, can't remember): overhead presses 1-1-1-1-1-1-1.  I started out by doing 10 x 30#, then 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 80.  Wait, that's only six.  I don't think I did a third 80.  Fuck.  Anyway, it felt pretty good.  The hard part about doing the 80 was the catch.  I tried to do it pretty smoothly but it's not easy. 
I read something somewhere recently about cold water therapy.  This is something of which I've always had an easy time understanding the circulatory benefits and that I've always imagined myself doing.  I saw a picture of Morihei Ueshiba meditating in an ice-cold mountain waterfall and thought, I want to do that.  I see people swimming in the ice and think it looks fun.  The problem is, lately, like for the past couple years, I have turned into a total pussy about cold water.  It takes me forever to get my head under in Metis, and even Florida in November had me retreating when the water got above my knees.  Unacceptable.  So, I've started the practice of splashing my face with straight cold water ten times at the end of each shower.  I also let the cold water run on each foot and ankle for a good ten seconds.  This is not much but I'll build myself up by doing it. 
What else?  Not much.  Looking forward to working out tomorrow.  The meeting is at 10:30 so if I get out of here at a reasonable hour I might be able to get some exercise in first thing in the morning. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Belated Updating

On Thursday (Thanksgiving) I did a warmup of ten pushups, 20 situps, and some lunges.  I think.  Need to be more systematic about the warmups.  Then I did a 20' round of 10 squats, 5 pushups, 6 windmill toe-touches (three per side) and 5 waist to overhead presses of our heavy-ass food processor.  It felt very good, quite invigorating, and I wasn't too burned out at then end.  I think I did 12 or 13 rounds, but it may have been 14. 

On Saturday I did a 15 pushup (one go!), 20 situp warmup and then a 4, 2 run in the park.  I started out very fast and feeling really good, but I must have been slapping because my left ankle is like it's in a cast now.  No good.  I also ran out of breath a couple times, hated the hills, and generally felt like a cripple.  I started to suspect that the tendons on the sole of my left foot are actually too loose and don't absorb enough.  Not fun. 
Yesterday after the Monster went to dreamland the Wife did her short pilates session so I took the 13 minutes that afforded me and did circuits of 5 pushups with feet on a chair, ten stepups (2 steps on our staircase, 5/side) and 10 overheads of the Cusinart.  Felt pretty good.  I am freaked out by the bad run though.