Monday, March 9, 2009

The Idea of Progress

Eating: Chop't
Drinking: nothing, but I will have some matcha shortly
Listening: GOCJ 5

WA pullups 60# 12
Deadlift 135# 12
Bench 135# 9
WG pulldown 100# 12
Squat 155# 12
OH press 60# 12
CG Pulldown 100# 12
Situps 35# 12
Dips 10

weight: 188#

A repeat of last week, but with very different results. Look at all those 12's! On the squat - I think it was 155 last time too, although I may have written down 165. I am of two minds on raising the weight for Friday. It might not be a bad idea to just repeat and really master form, which on a number of exercises (WA pullups, OH press, deadlift) is not perfect on the last rep or two. Maybe I'll hold off on those 3 and go up on the other 12's.

I have been meaning to record my weight for a while, not because it really matters but because I am interested in its fluctuations. Just looked through the archives and I don't think I've recorded it before, but it was in the neighborhood of 200 when I started.

The plan with running, for now, is to add a mile every weekend, for a couple of weeks anyway, and to do Tabatas on Wednesdays, with a little change - no running faster than 10 minute miles except during the actual sprints, which should always be uphill. Slow and steady wins the race.

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