Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Running Again

Eating: will be getting into some sauerbraten shortly
Drinking: water is on the agenda
Listening: wife's pilates DVD

Ran approx. 2 miles

What a great run.  Nice evening light, beautiful warm air.  I went clockwise on my 2 mile loop.  On the first PPW stretch I ran on the retaining wall for a bit.  As I came around into the actual forest part, I started shutting my eyes for a count of ten steps.  It helped me focus on footfall a bit, but also really made me feel the air and hear the birds and the wind in the trees.  As I came up to the picnic house, I could hear music.  Really good music.  Kind of GD-ish music with thoughtful solos and a kind of plaintive lead vocalist.  It was a band of Jewish hippies playing to a picnic.  I ran up to an older Haredi man to ask the name of the band (Bruce Parnes) and the grass felt so good that I kept running across the Long Meadow and then down it to the tunnel.  Perfect freedom.  Before I got to GAP, I ran up a little trail to the left and down a sharp drop to the sidewalk.  A wonderful run.  Legs and ankles felt good and I am back to believing in the five fingers. 

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