Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Eating: nothing
Drinking: TGY
Listening: nothing
seated row 90# 11 0:56
chest press 110# 10 1:10
pulldown 120# 11 1:18
OH press 50# 11 0:54
leg press 240# 12 0:54
I spent the entire day prior to my workout trying to not look at the internet, then looking at the internet.  I might as well admit that I am depressed.  Coming in to work and not having anything at all to do is depressing.  I need some stimulation.  I don't even really feel like listening to music. 
Anyway, the workout.  I suppose it qualifies as stimulation.  I deliberately did not slow down at all.  I'll do that next time.  I'm sure I was 'coasting' particularly as I got in to the higher reps, because if I did slow down I died on that rep.  The times are all very short.  Next time I think the goal will be to be over 90" for each exercise. 
After the workout, I did 5' in the steam room, cold rinse, 4' very hot shower, 4' cold shower.  I feel great now. 
My diet this weekend was garbage.  Tons of refined grains, tons of sugar, lots and lots of alcohol, a bunch of cigarettes, and poor sleep.  I hope I can keep a little cleaner this week (tomorrow is yakitori day) and we'll see how that affects the workout.  Not sure if I should go back to Monday or maybe make Monday a swimming day or something. 

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