Monday, May 18, 2009

Big 5

Eating:  just had an apple
Drinking:  lots of water
Listening:  a colleague on the phone
seated row 90# 6
chest press 110# 6
pulldown 120# 8
OH press 50# 7
leg press 240# 10
AM bran
Form was OK.  Kind of felt like a weak workout but improved as it went on.  Maybe I should reinstate a warm-up?  I think the overarching problem is that I have no muscle mass in my upper body.  When I get to my legs I finally feel like I am under control.  BBS does have an example of someone who should work out 2x per week in the beginning - maybe that's my situation.  I could do pushups and pullups to failure on Thursdays or something. 
The bran probably didn't help, and I have not been eating totally clean, either.  I've been having a lot of grains, including two sessions of red velvet cake this weekend.  I also had three or four cigarettes on Friday night. 
The plan for next week (I will have an extra day to recover) is to push hard for 12 on all the exercises. 

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