Thursday, November 12, 2009


warmup 10 40# goblet squats, 10 25# swings/side, hang to ten count
seated row 90# 13
chest press 100# 13
leg press 300# 10
pulldown 130# 15
overhead press 60# 8
dips 6, 3, 4
hang to ten count
steam, hot shower
Not a great workout, although I did enough on the pulldown to go up to 140.  In general I felt like my stamina was poor.  The chest press felt hard from the very beginning, and while the pulldown felt easy at first (as it should, since I am used to doing pullups at this point) by number ten I was suffering. 
Dips were easier than I remember them.  Hanging is fun and surprisingly hard.  Hard to hang on and hard to take a breath. 

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