Thursday, November 5, 2009

BBS progress

pulldown 130# 16
overhead press 60# 15
leg press 280# 19
seated row 80# 16
chest press 100# 14
hot shower, cold shower, hot tub, cold shower
Next time, up on the leg press and seated row.  And, I should be able to go over 15 on the pulldown on the next round.  I was very close on the chest press, but failed at 14 1/2, just not enough ATP left.  The leg press was a real accomplishment.  I set the seat at 5, which lets my legs bend past 90 but not too much.  I am not really worried about using the leg press to build up the full range since I do so many of the other kinds of squats. 
Now, for some Korean food. 

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