Tuesday, August 18, 2009

BBS plus

pulldown 120# 15
overhead press 50# 15
seated row 90# 10
chest press 110# 8
leg press 260# 12
As a warm-up, I did very light weights, 10 reps of each of the upper body plus ten very wide stance squats with the bar; another change is that I rested slightly longer (about one minute) between exercises.  Both are definitely going to be part of the plan going forward.  It felt like they made a big difference in terms of how panicked I got during the actual workout - I was calmer throughout.  Very disappointed with the chest press, but that may be a result of accidentally going to failure on pushups last week.  I am not going to drop the pushups, maybe just do one set of ten and then sets of five next time, or something like 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.  As for weights, I don't see how I can't go up on PD and OHP, even if they were done first.  LP was a pleasant surprise - I can smell 300.  Next week, LP should go between the two groups of upper body exercises. 
I NEED TO DO SOME SPRINTS.  Fuck.  I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. 

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