Monday, April 13, 2009

First BBS workout

Eating: lots of chocolate
Drinking: water
Listening: nothing

seated row 50# 15 3:00
chest press 100# 7 2:00
pulldown 100# 6 1:56
OH press 50# 4 1:15
leg press 180# 5 2:00

All the times are kind of approximate, because I am timing myself, and the rep counts got a little mangled too because I am not used to multiple breaths per rep.

So, this was my first go at a Body by Science workout. It was fucking tough. The impulse to give up after a couple reps was incredibly strong, and I think I really only got to true positive failure on the chest press and leg press. I feel amazing though, really buzzed. In terms of changing weights from workout to workout, I am going to go up in weight if I am at or over 3:00 and down if under 90".

I don't understand how this is going to work my hamstrings.

Also, what do you do if you want to empasize a certain group? My shoulders, for instance, are incredibly weak. The answer seems to be: nothing. In fairness, they weren't getting much stronger under my old regime, so maybe I should just give it a month and not worry about it.

Planning to re-read Body by Science over the next week.

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