Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Tabata

Eating: Chop't harvest cobb, jesus christ
Drinking: nothing
Listening: Penguin Cafe
Pullups 2 and dips 3 to exhaustion (5 sets).  2 x 10 jump lunges (should have been 3 x 10).  5 x (5 overhead press 20# / side, 10 bosu squats with 2 20# dumbbells).  This last was interesting because it is so much harder to do a squat with dumbbells balanced on the shoulders.  Again, I don't think I am close to maxing out my leg strength, so I should be using a bar at least some of the time, but this was significantly more difficult both in terms of balance and effort.  It reminded me of what Twight said - if your arms are too weak, your core has to take over.  Very hard, just barely finished.  And, the main event: hillclimb Tabata.  I warmed up with a little flat walking and the about 2' at 3.0 mph, then ramped up to a 9 minute mile pace.  I wanted to do 8 x 20"/10", but five and a half was more than enough.  I felt like I was going to die.  It was the exact psychological sensation I get when I realize that I have completely overdosed on alcohol.  I staggered around thinking I was going to puke for a bit, and then took a shower, which made me feel much better.  If I'm gymless (for instance in sunny Florida) I could do this with jump squats. 
I need to deadlift.  Should set up an appointment with a trainer. 
I told the main person on my other deal (AH) to more or less leave me alone yesterday.  It was undoubtedly a bad career move, but it has made me feel so much better about my job.  I worked to 12:30 last night and didn't even think twice about it. 

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