Thursday, October 30, 2008

You Can Taste The Bright Lights But You Won't Get Them For Free

Eating: yet another Harvest Cobb
Drinking: making some Taiwanese oolong
Listening: Schubert
20' hill climb, 3 rounds of 3 pullups (actually two rounds were chinups) and 5 knee lifts, 50 bosu tucks, 5 dips, 5 rounds of 5/side 15# overhead and 5 standing rows (40#) plus an extra ten standing rows on a balance board, 15-breath tuck on the balance board ... I feel like I'm forgetting something.  A very good workout.  I went down there unmotivated, shinsplinty, and kind of lethargic, and I ended up doing more than was on the routing.
A thought about squats.  They are getting easy, and it's time to max out the reps completely each time and/or to start adding weight.  I still found the jump squats murderously hard so maybe those should figure in more heavily. 
Also, my shin splints are pretty bad (they certainly kept me from running today, or would have if work hadn't) but walking uphill doesn't bother them at all.  I also hit the hot tub and did some ankle turns in there, which was nice.  That super creepy gay Italian guy was hanging around, which kind of spoiled the experience.
I'm reading Mind of Clover now.  I bought it based solely on the title - I never would have imagined being interested in a book on ethics - but I am finding it quite profound. 

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