Thursday, October 2, 2008

Another dream and no exercise.

Eating: just had half a Clif bar and going to Insieme for an interview lunch
Drinking: nothing
Listening: some guzheng

We just had another TAP meeting. I am finally getting some summaries done but not enough, and I told YC I'd send them to her tomorrow. On top of that I am probably going to have to turn the PSA tonight.

I had a funny dream last night, that we went en famille to Beijing and turned out to be staying in the same nice but dilapidated hotel as ZA and her husband and kid, and some of their friends. Her husband (who in the dream was an English guy) was kind of a dink, but otherwise the dream left me with a pretty good feeling. I love getting to dream about the Little Monster, it makes me so happy.

No exercise happening today, but I am going to do the desk stretches now.

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