Tuesday, December 30, 2008

WOD plus climb

Eating:  shrimp spring rolls from Il Duce
Drinking:  nothing
Listening:  Shinnai Shamisen
I did a seriously pussified version of the WOD - overhead press 60-70-80-90-100 (failed on the 100), one rep of each, push press 40-50-60-70-80, three reps of each.  No clue about jerking so I skipped the last third.  Then I did 45' with 4# weights.  I felt pretty desperate for the last 10 minutes. 
This workout was kind of a violation of resolution 3, in that the idea of doing 100 tuck squats on a bosu occured to me while I was climbing and I didn't do it.  I need to seize on that impulse more. 
Still listening to Pema Chodron.  It is wonderful but it's kind of annoying that I don't really seem to absorb anything. 

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