Eating: a granny smith
Drinking: some TGY brewed "pro", ie approximately 3 gm for 5 minutes
Listening: again, nothing; typing that prompted me to put on Ernst Reijseger
Yesterday I got to the gym between an afternoon meeting and an evening training. I listened to a Pema Chodron audiobook (actually a taped lecture from Naropa) about the Bodhisattva Way while spending 30 minutes hillclimbing. This is kind of a breakthrough. I often set out with the intention of doing something for 30 minutes but then get horribly bored after 15 minutes and bail after 20. The recording was interesting and encouraging enough that I was able to persevere. It felt pretty good although there was some weakness in my right knee.
After that I still had a little more time so I did overhead press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1. 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 90, 100, 100. My form on the 100 was not the best, but I was definitely getting full overhead extension. Next time I should hold it up there for a full breath.
I went out for a drink with PW last night and had two pints. I felt fine on the train ride home, had a good meditation and everything, and woke up with a terrible headache. It might have been general dehydration (probably didn't drink enough h2o after the gym and I had tea and coffee after that) but whatever it is I feel like shit and have no interest in drinking anything more anytime soon.
I am listening to Gary Snyder's recording of Kaz Tanahashi's translation of Dogen on my morning commute. I have to say I am not getting a hell of a lot out of it. I may try to just get through all three or whatever hours of it, but on the other hand I may not. The thought of having to listen to the Mountains and Rivers Sutra fills me with anxiety.
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