Eating: two apples
Drinking: nothing
Listening: rain on the window
I did a scaled-down version of the WOD (Nasty Girls). 3 x (50 40# squats, 5 pullups, 5 dips, 10 40# hang cleans). It took me almost exactly 25'. The squats were hard but I made it through without too much drama. Weirdly they get easier to do, I just needed to take longer and longer breaks as I went on. The pullups were hard as expected. First 5 were one set, then I think 3, 2, then 1, 1, and 3 chinups, so kind of a cheat there, although I did lift my head past the bar under my own power. The hang cleans were surprisingly challenging even at such a light weight, and presented a good chance to stretch out my twice-broken right wrist, which is obviously and significantly less flexible than my left.
I then spent about 15 minutes in the sauna. Longer than I had planned, and long enough to really feel it, and really feel the coolness of the air when I got out. In sum: I feel incredibly good.
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