Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Just did the whole building, up to the roof, in the Five Fingers. I can't remember what floor that is, forty something. Felt pretty good, only had to stop and catch my breath a couple of times and then not for a particularly long time. I haven't gone back through the archives to look at how I handled this sort of climb around this time last year, but this felt easy.

Some stair sprints are in my future. I want to do Rock Center at a run this year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More Circuits

4 x
10 pullups
10 30# thrusters
10 pushups
10 OH squats
10 60# goblet squats
10 dips
As promised, I tried to mix in a lot more grip-out pullups, to my detriment.  I need to do some sessions of sets of 2-3 of those fuckers.  The pullups were awful - lots of breaks and shaky form after round 2 if not earlier.  I don't know why they've gotten so hard. 

Saturday, December 19, 2009

BF run

Ran .7 miles, at a good quick pace.  Weather was 28 degrees and windy.  Got some looks from passerby. 

I didn't feel particularly cold, but the second and third toes on my left foot went numb

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fran Less Lite

21 - 17 (should have been 15) - 9 of
pullups (various grips, 50% underhand, 35% parallel, 15% overhand)
thrusters (40#)
19 minutes
Compare to last time.  While I did go up on weight on the thrusters (supposed to be 95#), and I did do an extra two reps on the middle set, I also went up in time, probably because I haven't been doing a lot of pullups lately.  I also came closer to blacking out than I usually do, which was kind of fun, and got a heavy HGH flush. 
I need to do way more overhand pullups.  They are really slipping. 
40# on the thrusters is hard enough.  My form is shitty, so I should master that weight before going up.
Geniunely distracted today.  I didn't get anything done, and I was totally compulsive about procrastinating.  Not a good feeling at all.  I do feel pretty good after the workout though. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

BF run

0.7 miles. 

The ground is wet, and it's just under 50 degrees (10 pm).  My feet felt a little rough, and right now I'm getting a feeling on my soles like my hands feel after clapping for too long at the hockey game.  I kind of like it.  Off to the shower!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Unhungover Circuits

6 x:
6 pushups
10 straight-leg deadlifts (40#)
4 pullups
10 squats (alternating 40# goblet and 20# overhead)
5 40# swings / side
27 minutes
Steam, hot shower, long and very cold cold shower
For some reason, this felt a lot harder than when I did it hung over
OH squats are fucking killing me.  I need to look for tips on YouTube. 

Thursday, December 3, 2009

BBS, back on the wagon

It's been a while.
Warmup was three nice, slow parallel grip pullups, 5 20# swings per side, and 10 40# goblet squats. 
pulldown 140# 13
overhead press 80# 8
leg press 300# 5
seated row 90# 9
chest press 100# 13
steam, hot shower, cold rinse
I got sick as shit over Thanksgiving.  It's good to be back.  Pulldowns at the new, higher weight were a snap.  I wrote down the wrong weight for OHP and ended up doing the same amount of reps at a weight that was 20# higher.  Leg press was a "fail".  I am almost there with chest press, maybe I'll get 15 one of these days. 
I am pretty spent now but I feel fantastic.  Really nice to get some good hard exercise in.