Thursday, September 11, 2008


Eating: yesterday lunch, tandoori chicken from the caf; yesterday dinner, a bunch of cookies and a Larabar at the CLE, then two pieces of quiche when I got home; today breakfast, three soft-cooked eggs and an English muffin
Drinking: just finished 1998 Kunming iron cake that I left overnight, which I didn't notice as I was drinking; the caffeine is nice though
Listening: Tonight's the Night (yes it is) this morning; Can You Get To That now
Reading: Roden last night, Joko on attention on the train

So, I am kind of feeling shitty right now. Yesterday when I woke up I had the pressure and ache that indicates the beginning of an ear infection, and this morning I felt distinctly phlegmy, so I took three horse pills and put a bunch more in a ziplock. I don't feel so bad now. I am going to do a (shorter, slower) hillclimb, pushups, pulldowns etc today anyway and spend some time in the sauna to clear out my lungs a bit, I think.

The CLE was pretty interesting, all about the various ethics traps relating to corporate investigations. I had some experience with that in tax, and of course I am around litigators all the time, so I was able to follow somewhat. The most interesting thing about it was that a very, very attractive associate at DPW sat next to me. She had this very direct engaging manner and kept engaging me in small talk. I caught her name as we were checking out and was able to e-stalk her in about three seconds this morning - she's married to some hedge fund analyst, which i could have guessed from the $25k of diamonds on her left hand. I had to suppress the instinct to ask her to the Algonquin for a drink. I told la Femme about it in the hopes that it would make her want to sleep with me; no such luck.

The Joko book gets more and more interesting. I feel like I'm getting somewhere in terms of understanding the emotional motivations for my actions. Meditation last night (still 17 minutes) was very hard. The urge to fidget was very, very strong, and at one point I was breathing very hard, almost hyperventilating.

Something I keep neglecting to mention here is my effort to learn enough Hebrew that I can at least sound it out by Rosh Hashanah. I don't think I'm going to make it, since it's now Thursday and I haven't opened the book since Friday.

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