Last night was fun. I got home pretty early, and we hung out with La Monstrita (who was in a great mood), then made dinner (arroz de polvo and artichokes) and watched a bunch of TV. I got pretty baked about halfway through the cooking process, and I have to say that made America's Toughest Jobs a lot more interesting, and the first twenty minutes of Scrubs (right up to the moral lesson) a lot funnier. I had never seen ATJ before. They were panning for gold in Alaska, and when I turned it on they were showing some of the contestants calling their families by satellite phone. The mother of one of the contestants had cancer, and that took me right back.
Just thinking about KK. It's funny, his talk of being worse (ie. more depressed) in the morning / daytime didn't make any sense to me when he said it, but of course I've always been a bit like that myself. In college and law school, for instance, I would routinely set my alarm for 8, turn it off, and sleep until 10, and hate myself for it. That's why I need a job - it gives some structure to the first four hours of the day.
I read RJ's dissertation proposal (or anyway most of it) on the train home yesterday. I was delighted to find that it is really fantastic, a serious and thoughtful proposal. For some reason I expected a lot more jargon and humanitiesspeak than was in there. I need to remember to call her and talk to her about it.
Did not meditate last night. I was too tired and semi-drunk by the time all the cleanup was done, and I just wanted to go to bed. I read two Bowles stories (The Circular Valley and The Delicate Prey) and both of them creeped me out.
Just did pushups 10 8 6 4, found them pretty easy.
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