Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Program?

Eating: just had yet another delicious harvest cobb
Drinking: water
Listening: Awungilobolele
pulldowns 150# 8
At this point in my workout, I was approached by a personal trainer, let's call him "Carlos", who pointed out some faults in my pd technique, specifically that my shoulders were too far up and forward and that my chest was collapsed.  I listened to what he had to say, which was all sensible, and discussed my goal of doing pullups.  He suggested using the weight assist machine.  So, going forward, that's what I'm going to do, use the weight assist machine, assuming a weight of 190 (actually 186!) with an assist of 50#.  He also said he wants to see me do 3 x 5 pullups in two weeks.  Yeah right.  But, eventually.  So, continuing:
WA pullups 50# 8
deadlift 50# 10 60# 10 70# 10
dumbbell press 30# 10 35# 10 40# 10
squat 145# 10
OH press 70# 8 (bad form, drop to 60# next time)
dips 5
Then a sauna for 10 or 15 minutes.  A lot of arm work, and I am feeling it now.  I may pay Carlos to help me with deadlifting.  My hamstrings, particularly my right one, are very tight.  On the whole thought not a bad half hour workout.  Also I should keep pulldowns in the rotation, just after WA pullups. 

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