Thursday, June 18, 2009

BBS and some thoughts

Eating: nothing but I'll get something upstairs when I'm done typing
Drinking: making some tea, a high mountain oolong from 2006
Listening: Anti-Matter

forgot my watch
seated row 90# 10
chest press 110# 11
pulldown 120# 10
overhead press 50# 70
leg press 240# 13
Slight progress for everything except the OHP, and I think that was because I moved very quickly between exercises.  Obviously I didn't time anything, but the reps, pulldowns aside for some reason, were slow and smooth.  The pulldowns were very tough and I lurched on the last two reps.  I feel a lot stronger than I did when I started this program, but I think right now it needs tweaking.  It's really becoming clear (to me, anyway) that my legs are up to this but my arms are not.  I just don't feel like these weights are getting any easier, and I leave my workout with my arms feeling like I haven't worked them enough.  On my scoresheet I wrote, in a fucked up scrawl because I had just finished the leg press, NEXT TIME TRIPLES!  So, next time I am going to do sets of 10, 8, fail at the following weights:
seated row 70# 80# 90#
chest press 90# 100# 110#
pulldown 100# 110# 120#
overhead press 30# 40# 50#
leg press 220# 240# 260#
I'll do this for at least a month and then return to the strict BBS protocol and see how I've fared.  I think this is from Art Devany.  Drew Baye does not advocate multiple sets, but he is a lot more flexible than BBS - for instance he says multiple sets per week at first. 

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