Friday, July 31, 2009

Bags Don't Hit Back

Boxing 6 x 3:00
Third and sixth rounds were bare knuckles. 
Felt pretty good to get out there and hit something, I have to say.  I didn't do anything fancy at all, just my standard jabs (l and r), jab-straight, block-hook, and a couple multi-hook combos.  I didn't do any body blows because there were other people in the room and I didn't want to scare them ... more.  The bare-knuckle hitting seemed a little easier, although it's still a little dicey, and I did cut one knuckle on my left hand.  I've asked the folks at the gym to replace that bag.  It is such a piece of shit. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

EF #3 (yesterday)

exercise   weight/reps   weight/reps   weight/reps

seated row 60/15 80/8 100/3
chest press 70/15 90/8 110/1
pulldown 90/15 110/8 130/5
overhead press 20/15 40/8 60/2
leg press 200/15 240/8 280/5 (chair should be set on 4)
Steam, cold rinse, hot shower, cold shower
Slightly better in the leg press (due no doubt to all that hiking), slightly worse in the chest and overhead press.  My wrist/grip in the pulldown felt very shaky, but I still managed the 15 and 8.  My legs didn't feel as wiped as they should have, and I had an easy time walking downstairs after the workout, a sure sign that I didn't go hard enough.  On the positive side, though, I feel like my form on the leg press is better.  I focused on keeping my back very straight, like I would on a squat, and felt like my butt and lower back got more work than usual.  My shoulders really feel like they got a good workout too.
One interesting general observation is that I was able, on all the exercises, to hold against failure for longer than usual, i.e. while reps went down time under load probably went up.  Is this because, while I got lots of exercise over the past two weeks, I didn't go all the way to failure?
I think in general I am going too quickly, so I'm not going to go up on the weight anywhere until I really feel in control.
Found this very inspiring and considering doing more of this stuff too.  The link to squatting hunter gatherers in the comments was particularly interesting.  I spent more time than I usually do squatting yesterday (playing with the Little Monster and picking up toys) and I found it easier than I remember, probably because I haven't been spending that much time in a chair lately. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vacation Update

We got back from the rocky North yesterday.  It was wonderful not being in New York, although I spent an inordinate amount of time working on the translation and there were some serious interpersonal tensions.  In terms of health and fitness, it was a real step back in terms of diet but great for activities. 
For diet, I was without my main allies, the meat-filled cafeteria here at work and the nearby Chopt, and back on my parents' diet, and that meant I ate far more bread than normal.  I also ended up eating a lot more dessert than usual.  In fact, usually I eat no dessert at all.  It turns out I have some serious psychological problems with refusing food offered to me by my parents.  On top of that, I developed this idea that every sticky bun that I ate would be one less sticky bun that my dad ate.  He is not totally healthy and I really worry about his weight.  They also hardly ever eat fresh vegetables in any kind of quantity.  I felt maybe a little more tired than usual, and somewhat bloated from time to time, but in general not so bad.  I didn't have large amounts of work to focus on so it wasn't a problem.  Almost forgot - I drank vast quantities of beer, like two at lunch.  This definitely makes me feel fat, and more importantly it makes me tend to be meaner to my family than I otherwise would be.  It turns me into Al Bundy.  My muscle definition is currently less than it was when I left, although I feel strong enough. 
In terms of exercise, I walked a ton, did some strength training, and some running and sprinting.  I also went kayaking but not as much as I have in years past.  The walking was easy because that is all there is to do up there.  On top of the normal walking routine, the Wife and I spent two nights at the Gite Mont-Albert, and did a four-hour hike the first day and an eight-hour hike (17km) the next, both in Five Fingers.  Both of the trails were pretty bad, with a lot of sharp, loose rocks, and I wasn't able to cruise like one does in hiking boots, but I enjoyed myself thoroughly and didn't regret my shoe choice.  I am a bit of a masochist, as it turns out.  I did four (I think) three-mile runs and two (maybe three) sets of sprints.  It is beyond me why I didn't do more.  My form feels great right now, which might be related to not wearing office shoes for two whole weeks.  My feet were not happy to be back in those things.  They feel like a vise.  For strength training, I did 5 x 4s, pushups, chinups, overhead lifts, wife squats.  I liked our host's chinup bar so much that I bought one myself.  I also had a much easier time getting into the freezing water than in years past, and was able to do fun things like jump off the rocks and stand-up paddle the kayak without stressing about falling in. 
One point that really stands out as a measure of how far I've come is that I did a single one-hand pullup, something I never, ever could have done before.  I couldn't get one with my left hand, but who knows, the day may come. 

Sunday, July 12, 2009

5 x 5, sort of

On vacation - finally.  Our absent host has a great chin-up bar, no brackets or anything, just tensioned into the door frame.  I did 5 x (5 pushups with feet on chair, 5 chinups*, 5 bag from floor to over head, 5 squats with wife on back).  The squats were the easiest - I'll do 10 of those next time and maybe 8 pushups.  For the chinups, I actually did 5 chinups, 3 pullups, 3 chinups, 2 pullups, 2 chinups - not at all bad.  This was a lot more arm work than I'm used to though, or it felt that way for some reason. 

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Treadmill Tabata and swim

5' running just below, and just above, 9 minutes per mile
8 x 20" run, 10" rest at 9 minute mile, 15 incline
swim 5 laps
hot shower / cold shower
Finally, I got the right pace.  The warmup run felt great.  I would say that it felt sustainable.  I could run at that pace for a while.  When I paused pre-tabata, my left calf felt a little firm, but that was all.  My forward lean was also getting better after about two minutes.  It's a very distinct feeling. 
The Tabata was ugly.  I actually didn't complete - skipped the last 4 or 5 seconds.  No shame in that, because it was literally 10 or 15 minutes before I was sure I wasn't going to puke.  My face was purple.  I had to lock myself in the bathroom and splash cold water on my temples and wrists.  I am patting myself on the back for two reasons.  One, the HGH flush.  Whether or not it's for real, it feels so good.  Two, power law, and the idea that subjecting the body to intense stress leads to a strong adaptive response. 
The swim was whatever.  I felt pretty strong.  Burping up little bits of vomit didn't make me go any faster.  The cold showers don't faze me at all anymore.  My shower at home is much, much colder. 

Monday, July 6, 2009

EF #2

Exercise   weight/reps   weight/reps   weight/reps
seated row 60/15 80/8 100/3
chest press 70/15 90/8 110/3
pulldown 90/15 110/8 130/5
overhead press 20/15 40/8 60/3
leg press 200/15 240/8 280/3
Steam, hot shower, cold shower
Glad I was able to make it out for this, it felt really good.  I moved up on the weights on everything except chest press, and I think I'm going to leave them as is for the next round, which will either be on Friday or in three weeks. 
I have been in a really shitty, distracted mood.  I have a ton of stuff that I need to get done by Friday and it's not looking good.  I am hating my job and really feeling the lack of time I get to spend with family and friends.  At the same time, no alternatives are really presenting themselves.  I feel like it's pretty grim. 
I had an ok weekend - spent too much time working on this fucking translation but other than that it was nice.  I haven't been running at all. 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

work work work work work run work work work work

Ran about 30 minutes
40# squats x 30
40# deadlifts x 30
20# overhead press x 30
3 pullups from full hang
Cold rinse - steam - cold shower
The running did not feel great, although it was feeling better by the end.  Pounding, slapping, ankles moving in weird ways.  It occured to me in the steam room that it's a matter of coordination more than anything at this point.  Just as I'd have to get in a certain groove if I were chopping vegetables, I need to get in a groove while running.  Pace, form, speed and power all need to come together.  The only way to get to this point is to keep running.  The sprints are all well and good, but the form is totally different - up on the toes - and what I really need to do is get the "hang" of medium paced running. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Quick Swim

Swam 5 laps breast stroke, then 1 length fast crawl, rest 1 minute x 4, total about 15 minutes
hot shower, cold rinse, quick sauna, steam, cold rinse
I am getting seriously strung out about this translation, so I took a short break.  I feel much better as a result.  The crawl session was an attempt to apply Tabata or periodic training to swimming, not really because I want to be a fast swimmer, although now that I think about it, why not, but for general metabolic conditioning.  It was surprisingly fun.  A length of fast crawl knocks the wind out of me, but a minute is long enough for a good recovery, and I would have done a couple more lengths if the translation hadn't been on my brain. 
I have fallen off of the running wagon, and I need to get back on.  I particularly miss the sprints, although I've also been wanting to do another long run with a focus on midfoot landing.  The problem is that mornings are monster time and I'll be working until late for the foreseeable future.